Bernard Galane was born and raised in cultural mecca Vienna, Austria and discovered his talent and love for music, acting and art at a very young age. Starting out on piano, he got inspired by his brother to pick up the drums, which turned into a great passion. Bernard performed live and on major TV shows all over Europe as a child prodigy drummer of a successful Latin Rock/Pop Band. He won many Europe wide competitions as a soloist, had a hit song in the European charts and started to work as a session drummer in central Europe while still in his teens. He holds a Masters Degree from the Conservatory of Vienna. After moving to Los Angeles to expand his musical career, he also started acting in commercials and modeling for some major fashion brands. Bernard studied at the New Collective Acting Studio in LA and motivated by his great teacher Greg Braun, decided to pursue more dramatic roles besides his career in Music. He is also a dedicated Fine Artist and participated in many European and American Art shows. Bernard mainly resides in Hollywood, California and enjoys dual continent living between his hometown Vienna, Austria and Los Angeles, California.
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